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Working with Firestore

Get documents

Fireman provide a single querying powerful interface, with the get function, you are able to easily get single documents and collections from your Firestore instances.


db is your Firestore instance (see guide for how to initialize it). It needs to be passed as first argument in each function

Get a single document

import { get } from "@fireman/web/firestore";

get(db, {collectionId: "users", documentId: "user1"}).then((userinfo) => {
  console.log(userinfo); // returns true or false

Get all documents from collection

import { get } from "@fireman/web/firestore";

get(db, {collectionId: "users"}).then((userinfo) => {

Get documents with filters (querying)

import { get } from "@fireman/web/firestore";

get(db, {
    collectionId: "users",
    whereArray: [{field: "name", op: "==", val: "fireman"}],
    orderByArray: [{field: "createdOn", dir: "desc"}],
    limitDocs: 20
  }).then((usersFound) => {

Check if a document exists

Returns a boolean indicating if a document exists.

import { doesDocumentExists } from "@fireman/web/firestore";

doesDocumentExists(db, "users", "user1").then((exists) => {
  console.log(exists); // => true or false


Errors are not caught internally by Fireman, you need to handle them yourself. Add a .catch on your functions or wrap them with a try/catch block.

Type declaration

type FiremanWhere =  {
 field: string | FieldPath;
 op: WhereFilterOp;
 val: unknown;

type FiremanOrderBy = {
 field: string | FieldPath;
 dir: OrderByDirection;

interface FiremanQuery {
 collectionId: string;
 docId?: string;
 whereArray?: FiremanWhere[];
 orderByArray?: FiremanOrderBy[];
 limitDocs?: number;

Add documents

Firestore offers a two ways to add documents to your collection. You can either add a document and generate a new ID for it, or you can add a document with a specific ID.

Add with auto generated ID

import { addDocument } from "@fireman/web/firestore";

const todoData = {
  title: "Learn Firebase",
  completed: false,
  createdOn: new Date()

addDocument(db, todo, todoData)

Add with custom ID

addDocument(db, todo, todoData, "todo1")

Update documents

import { updateDocument } from "@fireman/web/firestore";

updateDocument(db, todo, {title: "new"}, "todo1")

Delete documents

import { deleteDocument } from "@fireman/web/firestore";

deleteDocument(db, todo, "todo1")

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